Decoors provides geophysical services to help identify potential mineral deposits and geological structures beneath the Earth's surface. Our team of experienced professionals utilizes 2D induced polarization (IP) surveys and ground magnetics to gather valuable insights into subsurface conditions. This information aids in geological mapping projects and may highlight zones containing mineralization.

2D Induced Polarization

We conduct 2D IP surveys to map subsurface resistivity and chargeability variations, which can help identify potential mineral deposits and geological structures. 2D IP surveys are a cost-effective and time-efficient approach to mapping subsurface resistivity and chargeability variations. Although 3D IP surveys provide a more detailed view of the subsurface, 2D IP surveys are often sufficient for initial exploration efforts, particularly in areas where the geological structure is not overly complex.

Detailed Ground Magnetics

Ground magnetic surveys detect local variations in the Earth's magnetic field resulting from variations in the chemistry or magnetism of the rocks. These variations, known as magnetic anomalies, are valuable in detecting structures obscured by overlying material.

In ground-based magnetic surveys, measurements are typically collected at a series of stations. Our ground drone magnetometer collects high-resolution magnetic data every 0.5 seconds, providing a high level of detail.

Data reduction involves removing short-term variations in the field from external sources and subtracting the main geomagnetic field from the anomaly using the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. This data is then used to create additional magnetic maps (ie. First Vetical Derivative, Tilt Derivative, Analytic Signal). Interpretation of these magnetic anomalies provides valuable information for mineral exploration and may help locate precise drill targets.

  • It all depends on what you’re looking for. 2 critical components are the target depth and target size. To achieve depth, the IP survey will require large dipole spacings. However, these come at a cost — they lack precision. On the other hand, tightly spaced surveys (ie. 10 - 25 m) will be much more precise, but shallow.

  • Short answer: Deep.

  • Dipole-dipole gives the most precision, but this survey has a low Vp making some readings inaccurate. Pole-dipole reads slightly deeper and produces a stronger signal in the field — it’s a bit easier to set run.